Spring Family Weekend 2025
Mark your calendars - Spring Family Weekend is coming to campus April 11-13, 2025!
The schedule will be jammed packed and full of fun and engaging activities on campus. Look out for all the details on this page and on the 49er Family Hub in the coming weeks.
For questions or information, please contact us at family@charlotte.edu or at 704-687-0341.
Registration for all TSI sponsored events will take place on the 49er Family Hub. If you have not created an account or completed your profile, we encourage you to do so before registration to save time when registering for all Family Weekends.
Transition & Success Initiatives will work diligently to provide requested reasonable accessibility accomodations and resources to guests registered for Spring Family Weekend. In order to provide the necessary accomodations, registrants registrants are provided a space to indicate their needs on the Spring Family Weekend registration form.
Need help with mobility and navigating campus? Niner Paratransit can be prearranged before your visit. Their contact information is available here.